Red Hot Beverly

We put out fire. 

Beverly embodies the sleek lines and sexy curves of the Red Hot Fire Extinguisher that she is. Loaded with 400 pounds of propane, Bev has the capacity to start just as many fires as she puts out. She captivates us with an enormous, loud, fire-blasting inferno propelled with tremendous velocity. Her club-quality sound system emanates sweet beats, creating a space for revelers to dance under the glow of her flame. An elevated viewing platform welcomes passengers on whatever journey awaits.


who we are

We revel in the creative process.

The design and build team is comprised of veterans and volunteers who created LumenEssence, RotoFuego, the Apis Inlusio, Airpusher, Darwin’s Taxi, and Fractal Rock. Everyone on the build team is donating their time and talents to help bring Bev to life. We revel in the creative process, in designing solutions to practical problems and aesthetic desires, and in fabricating beautiful objects and vehicles which have the ability to deliver joy.



Fire is at once inherently dangerous and captivating.

A bit of danger heightens our senses and focuses our attention sharply on the present. Fire is at once inherently dangerous and captivating. The perception of danger is magnified by an inferno that is large and propelled with tremendous velocity.



Humor nourishes and refreshes us.

Humor nourishes and refreshes us when the world’s weighty matters occupy too much of our thoughts. Irony layered on top of humor evokes a sense of deviousness.